Efficience des banques commerciales Tunisiennes: etude par l’approche de frontière stochastique

Efficiency of the Tunisian Trade Banks: Study by the Stochastic Frontier Approach


  • Bannour Boutheina Université de Monastir, Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Gestion, Tunisia
  • Labidi Moez Université de Monastir, Faculté des Sciences Economiques et Gestion, Tunisia




Performance, Efficience, Frontière stochastique, Banques, Tunisie, Efficiency, Stochastic frontier, Banks, Tunisia


In this paper, we propose to evaluate the scores of productive efficiency of 20 Tunisian commercial banks throughout the period 1990-2009. The local banking landscape was marked, during the studied period, by significant changes following the adoption, by the Tunisian government, of various measures of financial liberalization. In order to study the levels of efficiency cost realized by the Tunisian commercial banks, we propose a parametric method, named the Stochastic Frontier Approach “SFA”, on the one hand, and the determination of the variables explaining the level of inefficiency (of efficiency) on the other hand. Our results make it possible to conclude that the banks which obtained the best scores of efficiency are the BT (99,5%), the BH (98,5%) followed the AB (94,9%) and de ATB (94,5%).

Mots clés: Performance, Efficience, Frontière stochastique, Banques, Tunisie.
Key words: Performance, Efficiency, Stochastic frontier, Banks, Tunisia.
JEL: G21, G32, D20, C60, C61.


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How to Cite

Boutheina, B., & Moez, L. (2013). Efficience des banques commerciales Tunisiennes: etude par l’approche de frontière stochastique: Efficiency of the Tunisian Trade Banks: Study by the Stochastic Frontier Approach. Panoeconomicus, 60(1), 103–132. https://doi.org/10.2298/PAN1301103B



Preliminary report